Just in time for Valentine's Day!

Put up your hand if you have ever imagined pursuing a dream that you have, only to burst your own bubble (or someone else doing it for you) by coming up with a hundred reasons why you can't...too busy with work, the kids, not enough money or time or maybe you just don't know where to start...I think most of us (except maybe the over achievers that we know and love to hate) can put up our hands to that!

My good friend Jill Breugem set out on a personal journey to fulfill a long time dream and she did just that. Jill is a wife, Mom, full time career woman, autism advocate and now she can add author to her large collection of hats that she wears on a regular basis. A hectic daily schedule didn't put a damper on her dream of becoming a novelist as she found time to write during her commute to the city for work or squeezing in a few minutes in the wee hours of the morning before anyone else in the house stirred....she clearly is one of "those people" we would love to hate, but you can't...I've tried...she is just lovely and kind...it's frustrating!

I had the honor and pleasure of reading a few snippets of Jill's debut romance novel "Read Between the Lines" before she was even finished the book and was really excited to get my hands on a copy!!

As I curled up in a comfy chair in front of a crackling fire, I was whisked away into the world of "Sadie" and "Levi" who are the main characters in the book...Jill does an excellent job describing the characters and their surroundings so well, that I might have a bit of a crush on "Levi"...is that weird?!

The novel was launched January 24th of this year and Isabel and I attended the book launch/signing party yesterday afternoon (February 11th.), which was held at "Blue Heron Books "in Uxbridge...a crowd of people filed in to get their signed copy and meet the woman behind the newest "Chick Lit" romance novel.

Jill's sister in law (Renee), had these awesome cupcakes made for the party...Isabel and I couldn't help but sample one of each flavour...the miniature fondant replicas of Jill's book were almost too cute to eat...almost!

...and Jill's talented Mom (Linda), is the artist behind this beautiful rose painting that she did just for "Sadie and Levi's" debut...talk about a gifted family!!

I was really happy to see the turnout of support for our local girl and watched as she would graciously greet people one by one, chat away and sign their books.

Finally, it was our turn to get a couple photos with the new author...I am very proud of my friend for having the ambition and drive to accomplish what most people only talk about doing and wish her luck with "The Distance Between Us", the sequel to her debut novel...oh yeah, did I mention, she is already working on her second book?! Told you she was on over achiever! Lol!
If you are looking to purchase "Read Between the Lines" by Jill Breugem, you can find it at the following locations:
Amazon Canada https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01NBTHN1H
Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NBTHN1H
Also available on Kobo and Nook
* flowers/vase & books photo: courtesy of Jill Breugem, photo taken by Adriana Breugem