Help our Bees by Saving the Dandelions!

Dandelions throughout the years, have been given a bad rap as an intrusive, unsightly nuisance by manicured lawn seekers. Each year, many people wage an annual war upon these weeds by doing everything from digging them out, mowing them down to arming themselves with weedkiller. I understand that if we all let our lawns go, we would eventually need a Bush Hog for the grass, but perhaps we could stop, appreciate and utilize what nature has given us. A dandelion is generally the first source of food for hungry bees emerging from their winter cluster...

...if you look carefully at a patch of brilliant yellow dandelions, you will see a flurry of activity, as the bees buzz from flower to flower gathering much needed pollen and nectar to take back to their hives. The declining bee population is becoming a global concern and a threat to our food supply, as we rely heavily on their role as pollinators. Viruses, starvation and the use of pesticides are all major factors that hinder the health of bees and their colonies.

I think dandelions are simply addition to having a lovely yellow flower, they are a versatile plant as well! Young dandelion leaves are not only delicious in a fresh spring salad but they are packed with vitamins A, B, C and D and are full of minerals, such as zinc, potassium and iron. The flowers can be used to make wine and the roots are excellent for making tea.

A field dotted with thousands of dainty yellow blooms, makes a pretty picture against the dark green foliage and a powder blue sky...

...and besides, if we didn't have dandelions, we wouldn't get to see little faces beaming with pride as they burst through the door with a bouquet of dandelions for their mother!
*This is a link to an article that outlines the importance of protecting bees and other pollinators: