Child's Play

Who remembers as a child, days filled with friends, imagination and nothing but the wind in your hair as you flew down a hill on your bike? I remember that vividly...on the rare days that I would whine "I'm booored!", my Mom would quickly rattle off plenty of household chores that I could do, waving the dusting cloth under my nose...that usually nipped boredom in the bud and I would jam on my running shoes at warp speed and fly out the door to find my friends. I'm so grateful that my Mom and Dad would boot us outside to play, because I would have missed out on all of the wonders of childhood and, not knowing at the time, making lasting memories that I can now share with my own daughter...

...such as the freedom of flying through the air into a pile of crunchy leaves on a cool autumn day...

...acting silly and laughing until your guts hurt with your best friend,

...getting rosy cheeks and covered in snow while building forts and tunnels (and hearing your Mom yell out the door "you kids are going to be buried alive if that snow plow comes by!!)...

...having a pyjama party with good buddies, giggling and staying up way past your bed time, stifling yawns and arguing through bloodshot eyes that you're "NOT tired!!"

...or convincing your Daddy that you ARE old enough to sleep outside alone in your first home away from home! (until a coyote howls in the night and you hotfoot it into the house with your eyes as wide as saucers!!)

...exploring the open road on your first set of wheels,

...and just being a kid...

...wouldn't it be great to do it all over treasure new experiences and cherish every carefree moment of our youth...I don't know about you, but I'm still young...I'm heading out to the toboggan hill with my girl! :)